Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Dane County Department of Human Services

Volunteer Opportunities

Below are the current Dane County Department of Human Services volunteer opportunities.

Badger Prairie Health Care Center

Badger Prairie Health Care Center offers rewarding volunteer opportunities. Volunteers of all ages help residents maintain an essential link to the community. Volunteers may work one-on-one with a resident, assist with or conduct groups, or share skills they may have. Badger Prairie Health Care Center staff will provide orientation and supervision to assist volunteers.

If you would like to volunteer, please call (608) 845-6601 and ask for the Volunteer Coordinator.

Teen Life Skills Program - Volunteer Mentors

Teenagers in foster care often need a caring mentor/friend to help them make the transition from foster care to independent living. Mentors work with an assigned teenager to assess their skills and follow a program designed to help each teen prepare for independence. Mentors help with such skills as money management, the search for housing and employment, shopping for groceries and household items, and obtaining community services.

Mentors are asked to communicate regularly with their assigned teens either in person or via telephone calls. Mentors may also participate in or help facilitate independent living group meetings with teenagers in foster care. A one-year commitment is requested.

For more information about becoming a Mentor, please contact Independent Living Services at

Neighborhood Intervention Program

The Neighborhood Intervention Program offers a number of volunteer opportunities. Coaches and assistants are regularly recruited for the Madison Spartans Youth Basketball team. Coaches and assistants must undergo a background check.

Madison Spartans Youth Basketball is an award-winning boys and girls basketball program. The program is known for outstanding teams that possess speed; athleticism; character; and aggressive, in-your-face, man-to-man defense. The Madison Spartans Basketball program was founded in 1988. The objective of the development of the basketball program was to give at-risk, low-income youth exposure and opportunities to organized tournament basketball play. The program hopes to teach life choice skills, honor, and integrity through the use of basketball. In keeping with this philosophy, Spartan coaches keep in mind that they are teachers and role models first, basketball coaches second.

To volunteer, contact Madison Spartans Basketball at (608) 273-6685.