Group and individual transportation services are provided to enable seniors and people with disabilities to remain independent and in their own homes. Rides are provided to medical appointments, congregate meal sites (nutrition sites), community and senior centers, grocery stores, general shopping, food pantries, job interviews, utility appointments, and other community activities.
The GAS and RSG programs provide scheduled group rides to destinations such as grocery shopping, congregate meal sites, food pantries, special events, adult day centers, and community senior centers. The service is door-to-door and passengers are assisted with curbs and up to three steps. Vehicles are accessible. Medical trips are not provided. GAS provides transportation to Madison, Monona, and Middleton. RSG provides transportation to all of Dane County with the exception of Madison, Monona, and Middleton.
General Eligibility:
The GAS and RSG transportation programs are available to adults aged 60 and over and persons with disabilities who live in their own homes or apartments. Individuals enrolled in Long-Term Care through Family Care, Family Care Partnership, and IRIS are not eligible.
Nutrition $0.50/one-way. In-Town Shopping $1.00/one-way. Out-of-Town Shopping $1.50/one-way. No one is denied service due to inability to pay.
How to Apply:
Contact your local senior service organization or contact the Transportation Call Center at (608) 242-6489 or
The OATA service provides scheduled individualized rides to appointments and services which enhance the rider's ability to remain independent and in their own home. Door-to-door and accessible vehicle service is available. The service area is all of Dane County. This is generally a temporary transportation service. A completed Transportation Intake Form may be requested.
General Eligibility:
The OATA service is available to adults aged 60 and over and persons with disabilities who live in their own homes or apartments. Access to the OATA program is determined by the Dane County Department of Human Services and coordinated through the Transportation Call Center. Individuals who receive MA rides through Common Carrier Medical Assistance Transportation are not eligible for medical rides. Individuals enrolled in Long-Term Care through Family Care, Family Care Partnership, and IRIS are not eligible.
Passengers' co-pay is based on ability to pay. Funding for this program is limited and only rides that are not covered by other funding sources or ride programs are eligible.
How to Apply:
Contact your local senior service organization or contact the Transportation Call Center at (608) 242-6489 or
RSVP provides scheduled individualized rides to medical appointments and at times other destinations. The service is door-through-door and drivers will assist passengers in getting to the correct location within the clinic or hospital. Rides are provided in the volunteers' own cars and are usually not accessible. Actual ride scheduling is arranged between the ride scheduler, the driver and the rider. The service area is all of Dane County. Rides are dependent on driver availability.
General Eligibility:
The RSVP is available to adults aged 60 and over and persons with disabilities who live in their own homes or apartments. Individuals who receive MA rides through Common Carrier Medical Assistance Transportation are not eligible. Individuals enrolled in Long-Term Care through Family Care, Family Care Partnership, and IRIS are not eligible.
Donations are accepted but no one is denied service due to inability to pay.
How to Apply:
In the city of Madison, call RSVP at (608) 441-7898 or additional RSVP contact numbers: (608) 441-7892 and (608) 441-7896. To apply outside of the Madison area, call your local senior service organization. The Transportation Call Center is also available for assistance at (608) 242-6489 or
This Toolkit is designed to increase informed transportation decision making by youth and adults with developmental disabilities and those who care for them. This toolkit provides a detailed framework to identify the needs for specialized rides.