Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Dane County Department of Human Services

Housing Programs and Services

The HAA Division supports access to housing through contracts with multiple vendors for housing programs serving households who are considered homeless by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) definition. Priority is given to participants who are referred from Coordinated Entry established by the local Continuum of Care (CoC).

Rapid Re-Housing (RRH)

RRH programs are designed to assist people with housing search and identification exiting homelessness as quickly as possible. Case management services and direct assistance for up to 24 months are offered to participants without any preconditions for enrollment and are tailored to the unique needs of the individual person. A housing stability plan is developed with each individual that focuses on assist with the goal of achieving long-term housing stability.

Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)

HAA receives funds from HUD’s Continuum of Care (CoC) Program for PSH to provide rental assistance to program participants that have a documented mental illness, are experiencing literal homelessness, and have incomes below 50% the County Median Income (CMI). Participants have access to case management and supportive services to work on an individual service plan. Goals for the program include housing stability, increased skill level, increase in income or earned income and increased self-determination as demonstrated by the participants. 

Housing Navigation

Housing Navigation services are provided at The Beacon Day Resource Center and other community locations assisting and meeting one-on-one with individuals who are unhoused (i.e. shelter or outdoors) with housing search assistance, identification of housing barriers, information and referral to community resources such as employment and training and mainstream resources, and assistance with filling out housing applications. Individuals and families who are experiencing housing instability or insecurity (doubled up or those facing eviction) are provided broader services which are ‘self-service’ in nature where they can access housing information online.

The Housing Navigation Services Website contains contact information including a phone number, email, and The Beacon hours so individuals are able to reach a housing specialist who can help. The website includes resources, educational materials, and general outreach that may include referrals to other service providers. Funding may be available to assist those unhoused to help with housing barriers such as paying arrears, security deposit, and/or first month’s rent. The program maintains a Housing Resource List that is updated  monthly , which is available for all customers and partner agencies. The program also offers information on their website on ‘how to’ topics including, but not limited to: conducting a housing search; reviewing housing history; identifying barriers to housing; applying for housing; and/or communicating with a landlord.