Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Dane County Department of Human Services

Capital Peer Support Team


Courtney Cohen Zubow

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Knowing that the Public Health Emergency unwinding is going to challenge both staff and our community, we wanted to be as best prepared as possible to approach unwinding through a trauma-responsive lens. The Capital Peer Support Team’s mission is to provide peer-to-peer support to diffuse critical incidents and to support acute and emergent mental health and substance abuse needs in the workplace. Support will be provided in a strictly confidential, culturally sensitive, stigma-free, and welcoming environment of recovery, wellness, and hope. Peer support specialists will use the process of Mental Health First Aid, which is a trauma-informed and trauma-responsive approach that focuses on symptom mitigation using a peer’s own wellness goals, strengths, and values while exploring resources and options for further support and growth. 
Team members that were interested in being a peer support specialist went through an application process, became certified in Mental Health First Aid with our in-house certified instructor, and attended a six hour peer support skills class on how to be an effective peer support in the workplace. These skills included a focus on using the OARS format (Open questions, Affirmations, Reflective listening, & Summary) during peer interactions, person-first and person-centered language, and the steps to facilitate a diffusing after a traumatic event. The Capital Peer program is currently serving the Economic Support teams in Dane, Adams, Juneau, and Sheboygan counties and has 13 fully trained peer support specialist that are made up of ESS, leads, clerical, and supervisors. Peers may request a meeting with peer support by emailing the Capital Peer Team directly and indicating their preferred method to meet either by phone, Zoom, or in person (where applicable). Peers are matched with another peer at their level on the team (specialists with specialists, leads with leads, etc.) the same day. A Peer Advisory Council has also been established which is people-centric, based in mutuality, and will promote checks and balances within the Capital Peer program.